Educate Together Charter
EDUCATE TOGETHER affirms that:
Children of all social, cultural and religious backgrounds have a right to an education that respects their individual identity whilst exploring the different values and traditions of the world in which they live.
EDUCATE TOGETHER affirms that:
The state has a duty to take the identity of the Educate Together sector fully into account when deciding on policy that affects the establishment and development of schools.
EDUCATE TOGETHER affirms that:
Parents are entitled to participate actively in decisions that affect the education of their children. In particular, they have the right to decide what kind of school reflects their conscience and lawful preference.
EDUCATE TOGETHER commits itself to:
1. To support the establishment of schools which are:
Equality based i.e. all children having equal rights to access to the school, and children of all social, cultural and religious backgrounds being equally respected.
Child-centred in their approach to education.
Co-educational and committed to encouraging children to explore their full range of abilities and opportunities.
Democratically run with active participation by parents in the daily life of the school, whilst positively affirming the professional role of the teachers.
EDUCATE TOGETHER affirms that:
Educate Together schools have the right to be treated no less favourably than other schools within the Irish educational system, in accordance with their needs and their identity.
EDUCATE TOGETHER commits itself to:
2. In areas where the demand for such a school exists:
Promote fuller awareness and recognition of the identity of the Educate Together sector at all levels of Irish society and abroad.
EDUCATE TOGETHER commits itself to:
3. In areas where the demand for such a school exists:
Participate in appropriate structures and activities concerned with the future development of education in Ireland and abroad.
EDUCATE TOGETHER commits itself to:
4. In areas where the demand for such a school exists:
Promote a future where equality-based education will be as freely available as any other educational option they may choose.